- 时间:2024-03-23 来源:开元0726官网 人气:
本文摘要:US, South Korea will ‘pay the price’ for planned missile system: Chinese daily美国和韩国将为计划部署的导弹系统付出代价BEIJING: The United States and South Korea are destined to pay the price for their decision to deploy an advanced missile defence system whic
US, South Korea will ‘pay the price’ for planned missile system: Chinese daily美国和韩国将为计划部署的导弹系统付出代价BEIJING: The United States and South Korea are destined to pay the price for their decision to deploy an advanced missile defence system which will inevitably prompt a counter attack, China’s top newspaper said on Saturday.美国和韩国预见要为其部署先进设备导弹防御系统的要求付出代价,不可避免不会招致反攻。韩国部署萨德Tension on the Korean peninsula has been high this year, beginning with North Korea’s fourth nuclear test in January, which was followed by a satellite launch, a string of tests of various missiles, and its fifth and largest nuclear test last month.今年,朝鲜半岛局势紧绷,趁此机会一月份的朝鲜第四次核试验,接着是卫星升空,一连串的各种导弹试验,还有是上个月的第五次也是仅次于的一次核试验。
韩国部署萨德In July, South Korea agreed with the United States to deploy the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) anti-missile system to protect against any North Korean threats.今年7月,韩国与美国达成协议完全一致,表示同意在韩国部署萨德导弹防卫系统,以防卫来自朝鲜的威胁。
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